5 weight loss tips that always work

Keep junk out of sight

The saying ‘out of sight, out of mind’ definitely applies here - you’re more likely to eat unhealthy food when surrounded by junk and processed foods. Make sure that those unhealthy food items are out of the house to increase the odds of reaching your weight loss goals.

Practice mindful eating

Studies have shown that adopting a mindful eating habit increases your chances of making healthy, lasting behavioural changes. Take time to enjoy what you eat and appreciate its ability to nourish you. It will improve your relationship with food and may even help stop binge eating. Read - Weight loss: 5 foods that detox your body & burn belly fat in just 1 day without dieting or exercising

Don’t forget to exercise

Remember, diet and exercise go hand in hand especially if your goal is to lose weight. Research has shown that making both dietary and physical activity changes at the same time will help you see great results. You cannot expect to achieve your fitness goals fast by doing one and ignoring the other - it’s as simple as that!

Eat foods slowl 

Eat foods slowly. It is advisable to chew food thoroughly before swallowing. This can help reducing calorie intake and lose weight. It normally takes at least 15 minutes for brain to perceive fullness from food consumption. In fact, several studies have showed that people with weight problems tend to chew their foods less than people with normal weight do.

Do not eat while standing or watching TV. Eating while standing may prevent proper digestion and sitting down for a meal is more likely to consume more food mindfully. Both positions might increase appetite without notice. 

Do not eat while standing or watching TV