Shri Krishan 5 Key Lessons from Bhagavad Gita

These 5 key life-changing lessons, from the 5 verses, are essential for everyone including professionals, students, entrepreneurs etc.

Bhagavad Gita teaches us the intricacies of life and how to deal with them.

1.  Focus on your action and not on the results: (BG 2.47) 

This simply means that you must always focus on your every action and not on the byproduct.

Which is more important – Results or Actions?

Obviously, actions, because if you want good results, first improve your actions.

Focus on the sure (actions), not on the unsure (results). Because if the results are not as per your expectations, pain is unavoidable.

Lord Krishna also said never consider yourself to be the cause of the results as results are not solely depends on your efforts. It depends on multiple factors, for example, situation, other people who are involved, etc.

Also, do not attach yourself to inaction (निष्क्रियता) because sometimes when the work is hard and burdensome, we resort to inaction. So never lose interest in what you do.

2. Be fearless – Consciousness within you is neither born nor does it ever die (BG 2.20)

Be fearless. The biggest fear in our lives is “Fear of Death”. We all know that one day we are going to die. But don’t worry.

The consciousness within us is glorious, fearless, free from old age and immortal. Death is solely the destruction of the body. The consciousness is neither born nor does it ever die.

It has existed forever and will continue to be. Eliminate fear of death from your mind as it creates deterrence in whatever you wanted to do it in life.

3. Three gateways to downfall and self-destruction – Lust, Greed, and Anger: (BG 16.21)

 Lust, greed, and anger are the gateways to one’s downfall and self-destruction. These are the root cause of virtually every single problem in human life.

If a person is lustful, greedy and remains angry, then this leads to the downfall of self-destruction.

It all starts with lust. Lust leads to greediness as you want more and more of something by any means.

Finally, at some point, your lust turns into anger when you are not able to get that thing anymore. This destroys your peace of mind which is synonymous with self-destruction.

So, lust, greed, and anger actually disturb the balance of mind and consciousnesses. These things block the spiritual path and therefore called the gateways to self-destruction.

4. Learn to tolerate – Nothing is permanent in this world: (BG 2.14)

Winters and summers are temporary in nature. Similarly, pain and pleasure are impermanent (anityāḥ). They will come (āgama) and go away (anityāḥ).

Tough times will come and go away. Learn to tolerate them without being affected by them. Nothing is permanent in this world.

The only thing that is constantly changing is change. So don’t worry!

5. Become stable like the ocean: (BG 2.70)

Rivers merge in the ocean 24 x 7. But the ocean remains stable without being disturbed by the continuous flow of waters from rivers.

Just like waters of rivers, endless thoughts will come into your mind. It is absolutely normal. Nothing to worry about.

Bad thoughts also knock on the mind. But you will only attain peace in your life when you remain stable just like the ocean irrespective of the malignant thoughts that come to you.

Reject the thoughts that distract you from your goal. Discard the temptations and the desires that stop you from reaching your ultimate goal. Learn to choose.

Learn to regulate your mind and not the other way. Do not let your mind, control your life. Instead, take control of your mind to work for you in your own hands.

Just say to yourself and act upon it: “I will not fulfill every desire of mine. I will only fulfill those desires which are focused and going to help me in reaching my ultimate goal in life”.

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